The Rye Bread Marriage

By Michaele Weissman

The Rye Bread Marriage is a structurally innovative, often funny memoir braiding three storylines—one about rye bread in Eastern Europe; one about her husband’s wartime childhood; and one about a forty-year marriage between a man and a woman who are very different. Underlying all is the question of difference. How do partners in long lasting marriages live together without throttling one another? How do individuals and groups—ethnic, religious, and national—tolerate the differences among them? The book’s point of view is intimate, but its underlying perspective is universal.

“A charming, insightful meditation on the intersection of love, family, and food.”

— Kirkus Reviews

God in a Cup

By Michaele Weissman

Can a cup of coffee reveal the face of God? Can it become the holy grail of modern-day knights errant who brave hardship and peril in a relentless quest for perfection? Can it change the world? These questions are not rhetorical. When highly prized coffee beans sell at auction for $50, $100, or $150 a pound wholesale (and potentially twice that at retail), anything can happen.

A History of Women in America

By Carol Hymowitz and Michaele Weissman

From colonial to modern-day times this narrative history, incorporating first-person accounts, traces the  development of women’s roles in America. Against the backdrop of major historical events and movements,  the authors examine the issues that changed the roles and lives of women in our society.

Deadly Consequences

By Deborah Prothrow-Stith, M.D. with Michaele Weissman

With an important introduction by C. Everett Koop and passionate endorsements from Senator Edward M. Kennedy and public officials from every major city in the U.S., this authoritative and timely guide calls for the diagnosis and treatment of urban violence as a public health crisis.

“Michaele Weissman’s God in a Cup, the story of a coffee bean that has taken the world of specialty-coffee dealers by storm… by the time you’re done, you feel ready to tramp around Panama seeking the rare Hacienda La Esmeralda Special … the legendary coffee… belongs to the world of aspirational, or rather devotional, appreciation. And that’s the plane on which the best food books excel.”

– Grub Street